Sometimes you don't want to make your customers choose the location or category to make their booking. Perhaps they have already navigated to a specific location on your website so you know that's the place they are interested in.

Well, you can create a specific URL for each of your locations or categories if you want. Here's how:

This is the structure of the URLs:

Location Level -[COMPANY_ID]&addressId=[ADDRESS_ID]

Category Level -[COMPANY_ID]&categoryId=[CATEGORY_ID]

You get the ID numbers here:

COMPANY ID you can get from your usual widget link URL (Business --> My Booking Widget). 

The URL looks like this:[COMPANY_ID]

ADDRESS ID is the ID for that particular address. Go to Business --> Company Settings --> Addresses and click to edit the address in question. You will see the Address ID and Company ID in the url for that page.

The URL will look like this:[ADDRESS_ID]?companyId=[COMPANY_ID]

CATEGORY ID is the ID for that particular category. Go to Business --> Company Settings --> Booking Categories and click to edit the category in question. You will see the Category ID in the url for that page.

The URL will look like this:[COMPANY_ID]