General Tags

{CompanyName} – Displays Company Name

{CompanyDescription} – Displays Company Description

{CompanyTerms} – Displays Terms and Conditions

{CompanyWebsite} – Displays Company Website

{CompanyPaymentProvider} – Displays ‘Stripe’


{CustomerName} – Displays Customer’s First Name 

{CustomerFullName} – Displays Customer’s First and Last Name


{CustomerEmail} – Displays Customer’s Email Address

{Participant} - – Displays 1st Participant’s Name for booking (this will say ‘My Diary’ if customer has selected ‘Me’ as the participant

{ManageAccountLink} – Displays the word ‘here’ as a link to the customer’s Ticked It account management page


Bookings - All

{BookingRequestCost} – Displays total cost of this specific booking


{StartDate} – Displays start date and time of booking

{EndDate} - Displays end date and time of booking


{ResourceName} – Displays Name of Staff Member linked to booking

{ResourceEmail} – Displays Email of Staff Member linked to booking

{ResourceDescription} – Displays Description of Staff Member linked to booking


{AddressName} – Displays name of Address linked to Booking Type

{AddressLineOne} – Displays address line 1

{AddressLineTwo} – Displays address line 2

{AddressTown} - Displays Town

{AddressCounty} – Displays County

{AddressPostalCode} – Displays postcode

{AddressComment} – Displays comment on Address Field (useful for parking instructions)


{BookingTypeName} – Displays Name of Booking Type linked to booking

{BookingTypeDescription} – Displays Booking Type Description

{BookingTypeWarning} – Displays Booking Type Warning


Bookings – Groups, Classes and Events Only

{GroupBookingTypeName} – Displays Group Type Name linked to booking

{GroupBookingTypeDuration} – Displays Group Type Duration

{GroupBookingTypeCost} – Displays Group Type Cost Per Session 

{GroupBookingTypeNoSessions} – Displays total number of sessions for Group Type 

{GroupBookingTypeCurrentAttendees} – Displays total number of attendees so far booked for Group Type 

{GroupBookingTypeMaxAttendees} – Displays Maximum Capacity of Group Type as a number

{GroupBookingInstances} – Displays all future dates for Group Type at time of booking, with a row for each date

{GroupBookingFullCost} – Displays ‘cost per session’ x ‘number sessions’ as £

{GroupBookingNextInstance} – Displays next date in Group Type

{Extras} - Displays any Extras purchased at the time of booking, including cost.


Bookings – 1-1 Appointments Only

{BookingTypeCost} – Displays Cost of Booking Type linked to booking (for 1-1 appointments)

{BookingTypeDuration} – Displays Booking Type Duration (1-1 appointments)

{BookingTypePreparation} – Displays Prep Time for Booking Type (1-1 appointments)

{BookingTypeInterval} – Displays Prep Time for Booking Type (1-1 appointments)

{BookingTypeCleanUp} – Displays Clean Up Time for Booking Type (1-1 appointments)


Transfers and Cancellations:

{TransferCost} – When a Group Booking is transferred, displays the value of charge or refund made at time of transfer as follows:

For a charge: “You have been charged £X”

For a refund: “You have been refunded £X”

For neither: “You have not been charged for this transfer”

{CancelRefundAmount} – Displays the amount of refund made at time of cancellation. If no refund is made, nothing is displayed.


Custom Fields

{cf:*} – Displays all custom fields and data provided

{cf:field-name} – Displays data entered by customer for specific custom field.
 E.g. Custom Field = Child’s Name, then merge tag = {cf:childs-name}



{GroupBookingCancelLink} – Displays word ‘here’ as a link for cancelling or opting in to auto re-enrolment.

{TrialLink} – Displays word ‘here’ as a link to book rest of term in Trial Attended email.

{GroupBookingLink} – Displays word ‘here’ as a link for booking Group Type in Auto Renewal Email, Waiting List Notification Email or Payment Failed Email